Cub Cadet Quits When It Gets Hot

Your Cub Cadet Quits When It Gets Hot Solution!

Like all machines, a lawnmower is prone to malfunctioning when it cub cadet quits when it gets hot. You may not be able to spend more than a few hours working on your lawn, which is frustrating. If your lawnmower overheats and fails when hot, there are several reasons for it.

During the combustion process of the lawn mower engine, immense amounts of heat are produced. Keeping the lawn mower’s pressure proper requires dissipating the heat from the engine. Lawn mowers that stall after heating are usually the result of excess pressure or heat.

It is necessary to eliminate one possible cause before moving on to another when troubleshooting why your lawnmower stopped running when hot. It is best to check every possible cause of a problem before proceeding to solve it to ensure a lasting solution. Here are the steps you need to take to fix your mower.

Reasons That Cub Cadet Quits When It Gets Hot Shut Off

Having an easy start and running fine for a few hours, then suddenly stopping without warning can be confusing. An overheated engine can cause this sudden shutdown. Overheating can be caused by debris clogging the area around the engine, low coolant levels, oil problems, or mechanical problems with the engine.

Filter is clogged

To run a gas lawn mower engine, fuel, air, and a spark are needed. An air filter blocks dirt and dust from entering the engine. Dust and other debris become stuck to the air filter because it prevents impurities from entering the engine.

A clogged air filter prevents sufficient air from reaching the engine, thus reducing combustion and causing less horsepower to be produced.


  • Change the filter if it gets dirty or clogged if it is a disposable one.
  • You need to replace the one that you currently use if it is brittle, has yellow or brown stains, or if it has yellow or brown stains. In the case of dirt and clogs, it can be washed.

Problems with gasoline and oil

There are several reasons why an engine shuts off, especially as it starts to heat up, when there are problems with the supply of fuel and lubrication. Fuel supply should be checked before every use. You may need to replace the fuel filters and hoses and clean the fuel tank if old or dirty gas was used in the engine. 


As well as checking the oil supply, you should add more oil as necessary. You should change the oil every 25 hours when the machine is running. The fuel system will clog up with a sticky substance if the gas is older than 30 days.

The carburetor for a Cub Cadet lawnmower

There could be a problem with the carburetor. Leaving fuel in the lawn mower for a long time is the most common cause of a clogged carburetor. The fuel may thicken and become sticky over time as the ingredients evaporate. Carburetors can stall due to this sticky fuel clogging up.

Try cleaning the carburetor if it is clogged with carburetor cleaner to see if that will help. The carburetor may need to be rebuilt or replaced entirely if cleaning it does not result in better engine performance.


Spray carburetor cleaner in the air intake after removing the air filter. The mower should be started. Taking apart your carburetor to clean or rebuild it may be required if your mower starts and then fails to run.

Don’t know where to start with carburetor cleaning? If you do not have time to clean it yourself, then have your local lawn mower repair shop do it for you. A brand-new carburetor can also be purchased and installed as an option if your carburetor is causing you problems.

Your Cub Cadet is running on the wrong engine oil

A high concentration of zinc is one of the most critical characteristics of air-conditioned engine oil, so it is wise to use it. As a cooling agent, zinc is used as an additive. It is critical to note that this type of oil is different from what is found in automobiles. Cooling an engine in a car requires liquid water while that of a lawn mower requires air.

Standard SAE30 or 10W-30 engine oil is recommended by the majority of lawn mower manufacturers. When operating at higher ambient temperatures, you might need a viscosity of 20W-50 oil.

To avoid overheating your mower’s engine, follow the chart below along with your owner’s manual.


In my Cub Cadet riding mower maintenance guide, I explain how to drain engine oil. Make sure the engine manufacturer’s recommended viscosity is used.

Kit for repair of Cub Cadet carburetor

You might have a clogged carburetor in your vehicle. When the lawn mower carburetor gets clogged up, it is usually because a long period of time was spent leaving fuel in the mower. The fuel may become thicker and stickier over time as some ingredients evaporate. When the engine stalls due to this sticky fuel, the carburetor becomes clogged and fails to function properly.


Clogged carburetors can be removed with carburetor cleaners. Clean the carburetor if cleaning it does not resolve the problem, or replace the entire carburetor if you can’t solve the problem.

Problems with cooling

Stalls are caused by the engine not being able to exhaust the heated gases generated by internal combustion or take in cool air for the next stage of combustion. The muffler and air filter are responsible for bringing in air and removing it.


You should change the air filter every eight hours of operation because it gets dirty quickly. In order to keep your muffler in proper condition, it should be cleaned every 60 hours of operation. If mufflers or air filters are too dirty to clean, they should be replaced.

Your Cub Cadet has a broken or dirty spark plug

Your engine can stop running if you have a fouled spark plug. If your mower started, but didn’t run, it may not have produced enough spark to start it. The spark plug should be removed and checked for damage.

Ensure that the porcelain is not cracked or corroded. If your spark plug is dirty, you can try cleaning it to remove dirt and reuse it. Replace a dark spark plug if it is damaged or excessively dirty.


Intermittent running or starting problems may result from loose spark plug wires or incorrect gapping. Spark plugs need to be gapped correctly and wires need to be attached securely.

Plug for Curb Cadet Lawn Mower

Look for wear or damage to the spark plug. Spark plugs need to be replaced if there is a cracked porcelain insulator, an electrode that has been damaged or burned away, or heavy carbon buildup at the electrode. Using a spark plug tester, you can determine if the plug is defective.


The tester’s terminals should produce a strong spark when you crank the engine. In this case, the spark plug should be replaced if there is no spark.

In Summary/Conclusion

It may require more extensive maintenance to correct lawn mower engine problems that cause overheating and shut down. Maintain your engine by regularly checking for damage and replacing parts as needed, such as shrouds and cooling fins.

A worn-out exhaust valve or valve seat may prevent the engine from starting until it cools down. Overheating can also occur if the condenser and engine coil become damaged. If damaged parts need to be replaced, these systems can be maintained at home or taken to a qualified mechanic for service.

My wishes are for your Cub Cadet mower that it won’t get too cub cadet quits when it gets hot and won’t quit again! My best wishes to you!

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