How to Get That Perfect Level Cut For Your Lawn

Maintaining your grass’s health and appearance is easy with regular lawn mowing. An expanse of green can be the difference between a pleasant experience and a dull disappointment. You’ll learn how to mow your grass correctly with our lawn mowing tips.

Do you want your lawn to be mowed correctly? I’m sure you’ve heard of it, but here are some simple rules to follow to make sure you are doing it correctly:

How to Mow a Lawn the Right Way

Lawn Mowing Tips: How to Mow a Lawn the Right Way

Make sure you have the right height of the grass 

Set the highest setting on your mower for your type of grass and only cut the top 1/3 of the grass blades at a time, depending on what kind of grass you have. While it is true that you might have to mow again after a few days, don’t let that deter you from listening to us—it is worth it. Longer grass blades allow more roots to grow, which means the roots of the grass will be able to reach deeper into the soil and find water and nutrients. When grass is scaled, it does not focus on deepening its roots, but regrowing its blades, which makes it easier for weeds to take over. Weed seeds do not germinate in cooler soil, thanks to tall grass blades. Besides, taller grass helps cushion touch-football tackles better than short grass because it’s softer to walk on, and in the long run, taller grass helps make walking on it easier as well.

Despite the fact that most people follow the rule, there are some exceptions to the rule. In spite of the fact that most grass types prefer to be mowed at the highest setting, zoysia grass and centipedegrass are better suited to being mowed at the middle setting, and even more, picky grass types such as bermudagrass and creeping bentgrass thrive at the lowest setting.

Adjust the height of the cutting blade

Depending on the weather and the time of year, adjust the cutting height accordingly. At the beginning and the end of the season, the blade should be raised a little higher. It is recommended to raise the blade if the weather is hot and dry, so that the grass can grow longer. Longer foliage holds moisture and shades the soil, keeping the grass green.

Is it possible to cut wet grass with a mower?

Dry grass is best for cutting. Grass clippings will not be picked up by the mower if they are wet. Whenever we test lawnmowers, we continually check to see if the machine is capable of cutting wet grass as well as dry grass. 

The best thing to do is not to cut frosty grass because you will damage it and leave a mark where you have cut the grass.

To achieve a reduction of one-third in the height of the lawn

Whenever you mow your lawn, you should reduce its height of it by a third throughout the season – any longer than that would cause the grass to lose its health and vitality as a result. Because of this, you will be able to maintain the health and vigor of your lawn.

Mow in a variety of ways

It’s boring to repeat something over and over again, isn’t it? In order to keep things interesting, you need to mix things up a bit. Mow in different directions every time. By consistently cutting your lawn in the same direction every time, you may end up snoozing your brain off, but your grass may also start to lean in that direction, forming ruts in the process. Is there another reason why you should vary your mowing pattern from time to time? As a result of the different directions from which the grass will be mowed, it will remain tall and lush.

Spread clippings on the lawn or compost them

In order to prevent slimy compost, be sure to mix grass cuttings with plenty of carbon-rich ‘brown’ materials prior to composting the grass cuttings. To help retain moisture on the lawn, it is recommended that you leave the clippings on it over the summer. 

A dry lawn needs to be mowed

There is a lot more than just enjoying a big slice of pie after dinner when you’ve had a good meal to look forward to. It’s best to mow your lawn in the early evening when it’s cool. Mowing during this time is also more stressful than before, as the temperature rises during the day. You should mow your lawn late afternoon when the sun is less intense, the lawn is usually dry, and it has plenty of time to recover. Even if there hasn’t been rain, morning dew will wet lawns. Feel free to procrastinate while it rains. You have to wait until the grass is dry before you cut it. If you don’t rake up your wet clippings, they can smother the grass and cause brown spots, as well as clog your mower. How’s that? (Not.)

Keep your lawn trimmed by leaving grass clippings on it

If you mow your lawn, leave the clippings on the lawn after you mow it. I think you should listen to what we have to say on this one. A large amount of nutrients are returned to the soil as a result of grass clippings breaking down quickly. Ensure you mow your lawn often enough so that you are not removing too much at one time and that the clippings are not too long. There is a risk that cutting off too much of the grass blade can shock the grass and leave piles of long clippings that don’t decompose quickly and can smother the growing grass as a result. That’s not cool at all.

Do the earth a favor and compost or bag your clippings rather than putting them in the trash, but be sure not to use any lawn weed control products in the process of bagging them.

Make sure your mower blades are sharp

In the same way that we wouldn’t shave with a dull blade on a shaver, it is very important to sharpen the blades of our lawnmowers at the first sign of wear. A dull blade tears up grass, leaving it with ragged, brown edges. It’s more complicated than that, though. Using dull mower blades will also weaken your grass over time, making it more susceptible to disease, insects, and other problems. Tune up your mower once a year and sharpen your blades to make it run smoothly, cut cleanly, and slice clippings without clogging. To prevent future blockages within the lawnmower itself, wash the lawnmower after each use to ensure that it won’t get clogged up in the future.

Clean up the edges

An overgrown lawn edge can ruin a well-kept garden. Using a half moon tool, trim overhanging grass and recut edges each spring after mowing your lawn.

Do not remove grass clippings from your lawn

The clippings from mowing should be left on the lawn. Here’s what we have to say. Grass clippings decompose rapidly and replenish the soil with nutrients. If you mow often enough, you will not have to remove a lot at once, and your clippings will be small, so you shouldn’t remove a lot at once. There is a danger in slicing off too much of the grass blade, as this shocks the grass and leaves piles of long clippings on the lawn that do not break down quickly. This smothers the grass that is still growing. There is nothing cool about that.

Do the earth a favor and compost or bag your clippings rather than putting them in the trash, but be sure not to use any lawn weed control products in the process of bagging them.


The purpose of this article is to give you a better understanding of why I am so obsessive about lawn leveling, as well as provide you with some valuable information to assist you in this endeavor. There are a few simple steps you can take to maintain a level lawn, but they can have a big impact on the quality of your lawn. As soon as leveling is complete, we will let you know! Moreover, there is also a section here called “gear” in which I recommend all the tools and products that I personally use and recommend to you in that section.

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