John Deere Mower Isn’t Getting Gas

6 Reasons John Deere Mower Isn’t Getting Gas

I know a lot of John Deere users have problems filling their fuel tank, but their John Deere engine does not receive fuel. There are a few possible reasons for this problem, but one of the most likely is that you are using dirty or unclean fuel. This could also be a clog in the fuel line.

There is no need to worry, we are aware of how annoying the situation is! The solutions to this problem are here, so let’s talk about them.

It is a very common occurrence for me to run out of gas. It’s no secret that mowers do not have fuel gauges, since they are not equipped with them. After refilling your mower, however, it won’t restart, leaving you wondering what happened. The frustration of not being able to start your lawn mower can be excruciating. Despite new gas-powered mowers, I have seen this problem.

It has been determined through a number of diagnostic tests and also through experience that the problem is usually caused by a lack of gas being supplied to the spark plug on the lawnmower. The story doesn’t end there.

Hence, we will present a table of some of the more problematic reasons as to why a tank is not full. These reasons are not very useful since fuel cannot be obtained. In the table, you will also have the opportunity to find out the outcome by examining the short solutions that are included.

Reasons John Deere Mower Not Getting Fuel

To start a gas-powered lawnmower, the carburetor needs to be filled with gas so there can be fuel flowing into it. Whenever something obstructs the flow of gasoline to the engine, it will not start, as the engine cannot receive fuel. In that case, even if the procedure does succeed, it’s likely to fail within a few minutes after it is initiated.

Fuel that isn’t functioning or is faulty

As ethanol and moisture separate in the fuel system, sticky substances can form, clogging the fuel pipeline and causing premature failure of various components. John Deere lawn tractors cannot get gas due to these failures and blockages.

The same moisture buildup and clogging will occur if you use a John Deere diesel lawnmower.


In order to remove petrol from the tank, you will need to use a siphon to drain it into any of the containers. The container must come from a gas station since plastic can decay rapidly, which could result in leakage of fuel. Make sure that you have your fuel set aside for recycling at an authorized recycling facility where it can be recycled.

Tank-to-fuel filter blockage fixed

In order for the engine to function, fuel enters the tank and is filtered before going to the fuel filter and then to the engine. It is possible that the fuel filter and the tank can get clogged at the same time, resulting in fuel not being delivered to the engine.


There are many reasons why a blockage may occur. It is still the same solution that needs to be adopted. Make sure that you cut the pipe where the blockage is located. You will then need to reattach the pipe to the tank, or if necessary, replace the entire pipe from the tank to the fuel filter.

The John Deere lawn mower fuel pump is bad

When the carburetor is higher than the fuel tank, a John Deere lawn mower uses a fuel pump. Pumping fuel up to the carburetor requires working against gravity.

Gas pumps are used in lawnmowers. It is constructed in such a way that the pump is able to pump fuel by building pressure on the crankcase.

There are times when you will have to replace the fuel pump when it becomes cracked or does not function correctly. To isolate the issue at the fuel pump part, you will have to carry out some troubleshooting techniques. This will enable you to determine if there are any cracks or other physical signs of damage.


Be sure you are getting fuel to your fuel pump before you check your fuel pump, to ensure that the pump is getting fuel. Hopefully you have already completed this step, but there is no need to worry if you haven’t, since if you haven’t, you have to do this first. If you haven’t already done this, now is the time to do it.

Make sure that fuel flow is stopped. Your fuel pump’s inlet port has a fuel line attached to it, and you should remove it from there. Start the fuel flow by putting the fuel line in a container placed below the fuel tank and reinstalling the line in the container.

Once you have confirmed that you are getting fuel out of the line and into the container, you have confirmed that the flow has been established. Regardless of whether this is the case, you need to figure out whether there is a blockage in the fuel line or in the fuel filter.

Reattach the fuel line to the inlet port once you have confirmed that fuel is flowing to the pump. The fuel line should be removed from the carburetor and placed in an appropriate container after it has been removed.

Fuel injection

You know that the most likely cause of a no-start issue is dirt in the carburetor, which is, of course, the most likely reason. As a matter of fact, it does not happen at the same time as the gas tank runs out, so that is not a coincidence.

The reason is that the mower suckers all the crap out of the gas tank at the bottom, where it collects. Gas filters should be fitted to your mower, but they aren’t foolproof. It is also critical to keep in mind that the sediment at the bottom of the fuel tank is usually fine enough to pass through the fuel filter without any problems at all.


The problem can be solved by cleaning the carburetor. The process of working on some carburetors is simpler than the process of working on others. As a quick fix, we can drain the carburetor bowl just before we take the carburetor apart so we don’t have to take the carburetor apart.

There is a simple and very common solution to this problem and it is very simple to do.

JCB Spark Plug for Fuel Cap

Fuel caps are used for the purpose of venting air through the fuel system. There is no vent in the fuel tank, so the tank acts as a vacuum, preventing fuel from flowing into the carburetor. To isolate the problem, you can start by operating your mower with and without the fuel cap. This will enable you to see if it disappears as soon as you remove the cap. It is recommended that you remove the fuel cap from the mower and let it run for a time before you recheck the problem.


The only solution to prevent reoccurring issues with your vehicle is to replace a blocked vent fuel cap as soon as possible. As long as you clean and unclog it as soon as possible, it should work fine.

There is a plug in the fuel cap of the John Deere lawn mower

As a result of the venting on the fuel cap, air is able to flow through it to provide optimal performance. It is critical to know that a fuel tank without a vent will act as a vacuum and will prevent fuel from being released from the tank. A John Deere mower won’t run when it is not able to get fuel to operate.

By running your mower for a while without the fuel cap and then running it with the fuel cap off, you might be able to isolate a cap issue. You can then see if the fuel issue goes away when the fuel cap is removed. The fuel component of your mower must be replaced at the same time that the fuel cap is installed. If you allow the mower to run for a while with the cap installed, the fuel issue should come back.


There is no doubt that it is better to change a fuel cap that has a blocked vent than to keep using the same one. This is because it keeps presenting the same issue. The clog can, however, be cleaned and removed if you try to do so.

In Summary/Conclusion

There is a problem concerning why John Deere’s are not getting fuel. We attempt to figure out why this problem exists, as well as demonstrate the solution to this problem. It’s true that no matter which model of John Deere tractor you have, you can apply these solutions to all. However, we will explain the specific process of how to apply these solutions to a particular model of tractor.

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